Special Guests:

Michael Cho
IG: @michael_cho_art
Illustrator and cartoonist and sometimes a writer, Cho has worked for many different publishers
and has several series of celebrated covers on Marvel and DC Comics including X-men, Spider-man, Batman, and the Hulk

Jenn Woodall
TW: @jenn_woodall IG: @funeralbeat
Jenn Woodall is an award-winning cartoonist and illustrator who lives in Toronto, Ontario. She grew up in Brampton, where she read comics and manga and scrounged Chinatown for bootleg anime VHS tapes as well as colorful clothes. She moved to Toronto for university, where she studied fashion design, followed by illustration at OCAD University. She self-publishes her own comics and zines and also has her work distributed and published by Silver Sprocket. Her first OGN, ‘Space Trash’, is being released in September by Oni Press.

Pegamoose Press: Troy Little / Brenda Hickey
Two cartoonists fro PEI who make great comics!
IG: @pegamoose_press
TW: @PegamooseP
Graphic novels, comic books, original art, prints

AdHouse Books featuring Kathryn & Stuart Immonen
The AV Club called the Immonen’s latest work, the Grass Of Parnassus, “a must-read work from one of comics’ best teams”
IG: @adhouse
TW: @adhousebooks
AdHouse publications, and a few zines.

Sandstone Comics featuring Sandy Carruthers
IG: @sandstone_comics
Comics made in PEI that everyone can enjoy!

Conundrum Press
IG: @ConundrumCanada
A major force in alt-comics, Conundrum publishes of a wide variety of acclaimed alternative graphic novels.
More exhibitors! A to Z
IG: @adhdinos
Prints of comics
Alannah Journeay
TW: @WodaroArt
Mini-comics, prints, stickers, pins, doodle commissions.
Allison Eddy
IG: @eddydraws
Prints, stickers and mini-comics
Andrew Clark
IG: @theartofandrewclark
Sketches, prints and the self-published comic book “ADAM”
Andy’s Cozy Crochet
I make affordable crocheted goods, mostly stuffies and hats, and mostly from my own patterns. My stuffies are all done in a ‘chubby and cute’ or ‘chibi’ similar style. I have a large selection of superheroes and villains (Superman, Wonder Woman, Spider-Man, Thor, Captain America, Link, Sailor Moon, and many more); pokemon, pokeballs, light sabers, Death Stars and Baby Yodas, house hippos and dinosaurs; Cthulhu, Baby Groot, creations from Doctor Who such as Adipose and Daleks, and even a demogorgon from Stranger Things, plus more. For hats for all ages I make them in the style of Yoda, Pikachu, Pokeballs, TMNT, BB8, Totoro, and more. I also make a variety of small ornaments that are good for a keychain, backpack, or even a Christmas tree – small Koopa shells, mini pokeballs and Death Stars, Cyberman and Yoda heads, facehuggers, metal slimes, and more.
April M Designs
IG: @aprilmdesigns
Prints and things with my illustrations
Art of A.J. Ingram
IG: @amandaingramart
Featuring traditionally painted work with watercolour and india ink – sold as prints, bookmarks and some of the original paintings themselves. “My work is a combination of original art drawn from nature and fan art inspired by my favourite movies, games and shows.”
Bradan Press
IG: @bradanpress
Graphic novels in English & Scottish Gaelic by NS authors, other books in English / Gaelic / French about Gaelic & Celtic languages / cultures including children’s picture books, official Nova Scotia Gaelic flags, and more
Brightside Comics
featuring the first issue of DART🎯MOUTH: a supernatural super-hero thriller
Cape and Cowl Comics
IG: @capeandcowlcomics
Comics, collectables and lots more!
IG: @clip.board.art
Hand-painted, pop-culture influenced items on various items such as: clip boards, garden stones, mini-canvases, keychains, various sized canvases
Dave Howlett / Paskettiwestern
IG: @paskettiwestern
Comics mostly.
Dylan Edwards
IG: @r_o_o_t_w_o_o_d
Debuting a new Sci-fi Graphic Novel ‘Shadow’s End’
Ego radio
TW: @egoradio
Fanart, pins, charms, stickers, on-site commissions. Sewing crafts available, such as masks, bowl covers, and bags
Erika Jeanne Kitsch Illustration
IG: @airrreka
Original art prints, stickers, small zines, screen printed totes and small fabric items
Good Omen Cats
IG: @good_omen_cats
Resin casted and poly-clay jewellery, charms, shakers and sm. sculptures.
Kawaii and fandom based crafts
Heroes Galore Comics & Collectables
Thousands & thousands of Comic books
Hijinxx Art
IG: @hiyajinxx
Prints, commissions, marker originals, acrylic standees
Honey & Butter Baking
IG: @honeyandbutter.ca
The teeniest one woman bake shop in Dartmouth!
Cakes and snacks and everything else
Jaceybees illustration
IG: @Jaceybees
fandom and original prints, stickers and buttons, as well as sketch commissions.
Lyne St-Jules & Megami Shiizun
IG: @lstjules
comic books, fan art prints, keychains, necklaces, greeting cards, character cards, mystery bags
Ken Turner
IG: @iKenTurner
Fanart posters, illustrated books, postcards, stickers
IG: @maritimelug
The Maritime Lego User Group

Mark Oakley
IG: @iboxpublishing
maker of the comics Stardrop, Thieves & Kings and more
Prints featuring a mix of fanart and original work, stickers, buttons, and charms!
Olivia L. Martin
IG: @olivialmartin_artist
Art prints of fan art and original works, and birthday greeting cards
Sarah Christie Illustration
IG: @schillustrations
TW: @sarahcillus
watercolour prints, originals, pop culture and original magnets, stickers, acrylic keychains, and birch coasters.
IG: @shinyjpg
Stickers, enamel pins, buttons, and keychains
Holographic stickers, buttons and a variety of mini prints from fandoms including Animal Crossing, Elden Ring, Everhood, and Fire Emblem. Also crochet goods such as dice bags, key charm plushs etc.
IG: @sir_witch
Steven Legge
TW: @Coffee_Steve
Nexus Newspaper strip collections, ashcans, prints, painted sketchcards & original art.
Strange Adventures Comix & Curiosities
IG: @strangeadvhfx
Canada’s Oddest Comicbook Shops and your hosts for this event. We’ll have some DCAF merch and a few other items but mostly we’re here to make sure the show runs okay. #staysafe
Tegan Thomas Illustration
IG: @tegan_thomas_illustration
TW: @Tegs_T
Prints, stickers, handmade pins
The Amazing Magician Mister J
Mister J will be performing and making some balloon creations!
The Calendork
IG: @thecalendork
a range of wall calendars, sticker sheers, bookmarks and prints inspired by a variety of fandoms (including Pokemon, Demon Slayer, My Hero Academia, Animal Crossing, Zelda and more)
The Sisters Waugh
IG: @christinewaughstudios
IG: @annywn
Self published comics, zines and small run prints
Weird Sister | Jess Anne
Comics, mini-comics, prints, stickers, pins, patches, stuffies