this is the tentative schedule for Saturday August 17th
at the Helen Creighton Room in the Alderney Gate Library.

• 11:00 – 11:45 AM •
Patrick Allaby and the making of the MARTIN PETERS graphic novel. Set in a Fredericton suburb, Skyline Acres, MARTIN PETERS is the fictional biography of Martin Peters, a teenager with type 1 diabetes. The story revolves around Martin’s relationship with his on-again off-again high school girlfriend, and how, desperate to fit in, he begins neglecting his health. His condition deteriorates until, eventually, he finds himself fighting for his life in the hospital.
Patrick Allaby grew up in Fredericton, New Brunswick and was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in December 2015. He has self-published many short comics, but Martin Peters is his first graphic novel. He moved to Kitchener, Ontario in 2017 for health insurance.

• NOON – 12:45 PM •
Rainbow Reflections: Thirty-eight short comics reflect on body image from the perspectives of queer men
Artists from the upcoming anthology discuss their experiences working on the project and about the subject matter of the comic. Featuring artists Fabien Barabé , Max Janes, and James Iain Neish.

• 1:00 – 1:45 PM •
Grandway Comics / Decent Comics
Jeff Knott, Derek Jessome, Sean Jordan, and Dave Howlett share their experiences making comics past, present and future.

• 2:00 – 3:45 PM •
Cartoonist Kayfabe!
The audio / visual inside-scoop from master comic book makers, Ed Piskor and Jim Rugg.
4:00 – 4:45 PM
Comics creator round table. The pros answer questions from the audience and amongst themselves. Guests include Ed Brisson, Jed MacKay, Brenda Hickey, Michael Walsh, Troy Little