Michael de Adder was born in Moncton, New Brunswick. He studied art at Mount Allison University where he received a Bachelor of Fine Arts in drawing and painting.
After freelancing for a few years, he landed his first full time cartooning job at the Halifax Daily News.
After the Daily News folded in 2008, he now freelances for the Halifax Chronicle Herald, the Toronto Star and Ottawa Hill Times. His work is syndicated throughout North America by Artizans.com.

He is the author of 5 books including You Might Be From Nova Scotia If… and You Might Be From New Brunswick If… The third book in the series You Might Be From Newfoundland and Labrador If… is due to be released Sepctember 1,2015.
de Adder’s publishers includes Nimbus and McIntyre Purcell Publishing. And The Halifax Chronicle Herald.